Just north of the northwest corner at South Wilmington and East Morgan in downtown Raleigh Y'all. Get ready for another really short post! The North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association. It's a professional organization for pharmacists in North Carolina, and now known as the North Carolina Association of Pharmacists. But way back when, it was established as the NCPA in 1880, as response to the NC Medical Society. See, what happened was that State Medical Board, as the Legislature was working on pharmaceutical regulation (page 14), decided to be like "Let the State Legislature handle qualifications". Context: the North Carolina Medical Board was established about 20 years ago to regulate and license qualified doctors, but no such body existed for pharmacists at this point. So what the Medical Board (i.e., doctors) was basically doing was like "Eh, it'll be fine, let the Legislature handle it. We don't know much about the pharmacists/pharmacy indust...
Tracing America's history on its streets.